Thursday 25 August 2022

Knee Pain Cause, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Exercise

Knee Pain Treatment
Knee Pain

Knee pain is one of the most common complaints in the world. It occurs due to a number of reasons like overuse, injury or arthritis. There are many types of knee pain which can be classified into 4 major categories: 

1. Pain due to overuse:

Pain in the knee is caused by overuse of the joint which can be due to activities like running, jumping or climbing stairs. Overuse of the knee joint may lead to pain and swelling which usually goes away after a few days if it is mild and rest. 

2. Pain due to injury: 

Injury of the knee can occur when there is a sudden impact on the joint like falling down while playing or sports. In this case, there will be swelling and bleeding as well as bruising around the knee area which may last for 1-2 weeks even after proper medical treatment.

3. Pain due to arthritis: Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints which causes pain, swelling and stiffness in them. The condition can be acute or chronic depending on how long it lasts. 

4. Pain due to bursitis: Bursitis is another type of inflammation which can occur in the knee area as well. 

This condition occurs when there is friction between the bones, tendons or ligaments which causes swelling and pain around the joint.

Knee pain cause

Knee pain is a common problem, and it can be caused by many things.
In fact, knee pain isn’t just one thing! 
It can be caused by any number of things:
  • A twisted Knee joint, ankle or foot
  • A torn ligament or tendon in your knee (particularly the anterior cruciate ligament)
  • An arthritic joint (the ball and socket joint) A blow to the knee joint A muscle strain or sprain A condition called chondromalacia (which causes inflammation of the cartilage in your knee)
  • Pain and swelling around the knee joint A meniscus tear (a tear to the cartilage in the knee joint)
  •  A knee injury from playing sports (such as football, basketball and skiing) 
  • A knee injury that causes your kneecap to dislocate (also called a patellar subluxation)
  • A knee injury that damages the nerves in your knee joint A knee injury caused by an infection
  •  A knee injury that causes damage to the ligaments of your knee joint A knee injury caused by a fall  A knee injury caused by an accident (such as a car crash) A genetic condition called osteogenesis imperfecta (which causes brittle bones)
Knee pain symptoms

The most common complaint of knee pain is a burning sensation in the joint. Other symptoms include:
  • Pain in the knee joint when you bend, straighten, or flex the knee
  • Pain in the knee joint when walking or running.
  • Pain in the knee joint when climbing stairs (or going up and down them)
  • Pain in the knee joint while squatting or kneeling. 
  • Pain in the knee joint when lying on your back with your legs straight out.
  • Pain in the knee joint that goes away after exercise and then comes back later.
  • You may also experience swelling around your knee joint if you’ve injured it.

Torn meniscus symptoms include:  Pain in the knee joint when you bend, straighten, or flex the knee
You may also experience swelling around your knee joint if you’ve injured it.

Knee pain diagnosis

Knee pain diagnosis can be difficult. Your doctor will ask you about the symptoms you’re experiencing and what activities trigger them. They may also examine your knee joint to see if they can find a cause for the pain. If they suspect that you have a torn meniscus, they may order an MRI scan or x-ray to confirm this diagnosis. 

Knee pain treatment

Treatment for knee pain is a combination of rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE). This treatment can be done at home by yourself or with the help of a physical therapist. The goal is to allow your body time to recover from the injury so that it doesn't worsen into something more serious later on.

Physical therapy is another important part of your treatment. A physical therapist can help you strengthen the muscles that support your knee, as well as improve flexibility and range of motion. They can also help you identify any biomechanical issues that may be causing pain in your knee.

If the pain is severe and long-lasting, your doctor may suggest that you see an orthopedic surgeon. This is because they have more experience of treating knee injuries than general practitioners or family doctors. 
The type of treatment you receive will depend on how severe your Knee pain or injury is.

 If you have a torn meniscus, your doctor will recommend few treatment options. You may be given pain relief medication to help manage the symptoms of your injury.

Use of RICE Principle to Relive Knee pain:

  • Resting and icing your knee as soon as possible.
  • Elevating your leg above heart level when resting or sleeping.
  • Using a knee immobilizer to keep the joint stable while it heals. 
  • Using crutches to help support your weight while walking. 
  • Wearing a brace that stabilizes the knee joint to prevent further injury.
Knee pain exercise
Knee pain exercise
Knee pain exercise 

Knee pain exercises are important to strengthen the muscles around the knee. Knee pain exercises can help you to recover from knee pain and prevent it from occurring again in the future.

Knee pain exercises can also improve your condition and make it more comfortable, which can give you more energy as well as make moving easier, so there's no reason not to do them!

As well as being useful for preventing injury, knee pain exercises can also help to make your knee stronger and more flexible. This is important because it means that you are less likely to injure yourself again in the future.

Knee pain exercises can also be useful for helping to prevent other injuries in the future. For example, if you have knee pain and then start doing regular exercises, your knee will become stronger and more flexible over time. This means that it is less likely to happen again.

How to prevent Knee pain?

  • Modify your lifestyle. If you’re overweight or obese, losing weight can help reduce knee pain. 
  • Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink and stop smoking—both of these habits can increase your risk for osteoarthritis. 
  • Try to exercise regularly, even if it’s just walking around your neighborhood. Exercise strengthens muscles around joints, making them less likely to be injured during everyday activities.
  • Wear sports shoes with good support.
  • Limit the amount of time you spend sitting, especially in a low chair or on a couch.
  • Exercise regularly to strengthen your muscles and improve joint movement.
  • Consider changing jobs if you’re often on your feet all day at work.

Knee pain is a common problem among people. Knee pain can be caused by various reasons like arthritis, injury or even due to physical exertion. If you are suffering from knee pain and want to know more about it, then you must read this article thoroughly. 

We have discussed here about what causes knee pain in detail and also how can treat it effectively with some tips and tricks that might help you out with your condition.

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